
Image of Solanum kollastrum Gouvêa & Giacomin

Image of <i>Solanum kollastrum</i> Gouvêa & Giacomin


Figure 2. Solanumkollastrum. A plant habit B detail of stem prickles C young inflorescence (upper right corner: detail of a more developed inflorescence) D flowering calyx E a short-styled and a long-styled flower displaying the extremes of variation of corolla size and colour found in the species (here exhibited by flowers of the same inflorescence); also note the various degrees of anther curvature and location of the apical pores compared with the images F and G F long-styled flower (hermaphroditic) with extrorse pores and slightly outwardly curved apices G short-styled flower (functionally male) with extrorse pores and markedly outwardly curved apices H infructescence with details of the strongly accrescent fruiting calyces (one of which was dissected to show the fruit) and the mature fruit colour (left side: details of fruit shape; right side: detail of a dissected fruit showing the four locules, placentation, seed colour and shape). Scale bars: 1.2 m (A); 3 cm (B, C, H); 1.5 cm (D, F, G); 1.8 cm (E). Photographs by Y.F. Gouvêa.

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Yuri Fernandes Gouvêa, Leandro Lacerda Giacomin, João Renato tehmann
bibliographic citation
Gouvêa Y, Giacomin L, tehmann J (2018) A sticky and heavily armed new species of Solanum (Solanumsubg.Leptostemonum, Solanaceae) from eastern Brazil PhytoKeys (111): 103–118
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