
Image of Seothyra

Image of Seothyra


Figure 4.A–L Retreats, webs, and habitus of living Eresidae, photographs. A Adonea fimbriata retreat on the ground from Sede Boqer, Israel (photo by Efrat Gavish-Regev) B Dresserus sp. retreat in the grass (photo by Charles Haddad) C Eresus walckenaeri retreat of juvenile from Ioannina, Greece (photo by Siegfried Huber) D–E Gandanameno sp. from west of Helmeringhausen Namibia (photos by Martin Forman) D Retreat on Acacia E female, with egg sac and various prey remnants F Gandanameno sp. femalefrom Amanzi Game Reserve, South Africa (photo by Tamás Szűts) G, H Seothyra sp. from Namibia G retreat under sand, showing the antelope track pattern H specimen and the exposed retreat (photos E–H, J, L by Teresa Meikle) I Loureedia annulipes, burrow from Sede Boqer, Israel (photo by Efrat Gavish-Regev) J–L Stegodyphus retreats J Stegodyphus dumicola from Spioenkop, South Africa K Stegodyphus lineatus from Tel-Hadid, Israel (photo by Amir Weinstein) L Stegodyphus mimosarum from Spioenkop, South Africa.

Source Information

Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
bibliographic citation
Miller J, Griswold C, Scharff N, Řezáč M, Szűts T, Marhabaie M (2012) The velvet spiders: an atlas of the Eresidae (Arachnida, Araneae) ZooKeys 195: 1–144
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