
Image of Anillinus affabilis (Brues 1902)

Image of Anillinus affabilis (Brues 1902)


Figure 6.Illustrations of male aedeagus of Anillinus species. Anillinus affabilis (TEXAS, Travis County, Tooth Cave): A median lobe, right lateral aspect B left paramere, left lateral aspect C right paramere, right lateral aspect. Anillinus sinuatus (TEXAS, Bexar County) D median lobe, right lateral aspect E left paramere, left lateral aspect F right paramere, right lateral aspect. Anillinus wisemanensis (TEXAS, Hays County, Wiseman Sink) G median lobe, right lateral aspect H left paramere, left lateral aspect I right paramere, right lateral aspect. Anillinus wisemanensis (TEXAS, Bell County, Talking Crows Cave) J median lobe, right lateral aspect. Anillinus comalensis (TEXAS, Comal County, 7mi W New Braunfels) K median lobe, right lateral aspect L left paramere, left lateral aspect M right paramere, right lateral aspect. Anillinus forthoodensis (TEXAS, Bell County, Talking Crows Cave) N median lobe, right lateral aspect O left paramere, left lateral aspect P right paramere, right lateral aspect. aa – apical area; bl – basal lobe; dp – dorsal protuberance; ds – dorsal sclerite; sh – shaft; ss – spine-like structure; vs – ventral sclerite. Scale = 0.2 mm.

Source Information

Igor M. Sokolov, James R. Reddell, David H. Kavanaugh
bibliographic citation
Sokolov I, Reddell J, Kavanaugh D (2014) Life beneath the surface of the central Texan Balcones Escarpment: genus Anillinus Casey, 1918 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Bembidiini): new species, a key to the Texas species, and notes about their way of life and evolution ZooKeys 417: 71–101
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