
(2258) The Chestnut (Conistra vaccinii) - Both forms - Flickr - Bennyboymothman

Image of chestnut


Description: First proper catch of the year After a mild day at the Zoo, I decided to set the trap up at 5.30pm and as I did it began to drizzle, but luckily the sky was thick with lovely warming clouds..no bright moon tonight! Come the morning it was still trying to rain but was relatively mild at 7 degrees. I didn't really expect 13 moths in and around the trap! 8 Tortricodes alternella's made up the bulk of the catch. The best moth had to be the pretty little Acleris cristana, a garden first. The 3 new for year Micros bump the species tally up to 8. Catch Report - 17/02/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson Trap Macro Moths 2x Chestnut 1x Pale Brindled Beauty Micro Moths 1x Acleris cristana [NFG] 8x Tortricodes alternella [NFY] 1x Acleris schalleriana [NFY] Magyar: A változó őszibagoly (Conistra vaccinii) a rovarok (Insecta) osztályának a lepkék (Lepidoptera) rendjéhez, ezen belül a bagolylepkefélék (Noctuidae) családjához tartozó faj. Date: 18 February 2014, 12:08. Source: [2258] The Chestnut (Conistra vaccinii) - Both forms. Author: Ben Sale from UK.

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Ben Sale
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