
The zoology of the voyage of the H.M.S. Erebus and Terror (10328082366)

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Description: Illustrations of Deinacrida heteracantha, Hemideina thoracica and Argosarchus horridus. Date: between 1844 and 1875 date QS:P,+1850-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1319,+1844-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1875-00-00T00:00:00Z/9. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/10328082366. Author: William Wing. Full titleTabr 5 Illustration. The zoology of the voyage of the H.M.S. Erebus & Terror, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross, during the years 1839 to 1843. By authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Edited by John Richardson and John Edward Gray. Page ID6962840. Item ID31190 (Find related Wikimedia Commons images). Title ID7364 (Find related Wikimedia Commons images). Page numbers(Insects) Tab. 5. NamesNameFound:Deinacrida NameConfirmed:Deinacrida EOLID:45802 NameBankID:4137922 NameFound:Deinacrida thoracica NameConfirmed:Deinacrida thoracica NameBankID:9880327. BHL Page URLhttps://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/6962840. DOI10.5962/bhl.title.7364. Page typeIllustration. Flickr sets The zoology of the voyage of the H.M.S. Erebus & Terror v.2. Flickr tags Antarctica Australia Erebus and Terror Expedition, 1839-43 New Zealand Scientific Expeditions Zoology MBLWHOI Library, Woods Hole bhl:page 6962840 dc:identifier https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/6962840 erebus and terror expedition, 1839-43 new zealand scientific expeditions mblwhoi library, woods hole. Flickr posted date17 October 2013. Credit : This file comes from the Biodiversity Heritage Library. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing. Deutsch | English | español | français | italiano | 日本語 | македонски | Nederlands | polski | +/−.

Source Information

William Wing
William Wing
Flickr user ID biodivlibrary
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Wikimedia Commons