Haeckel Stephoidea edit

Description: (top center): Lithocircus magnificus (Haeckel) = Lithocircus sp.?, living animal (top left): Semantis sigillum (Haeckel) = Tholospyris procera Goll, 1969?, skeleton of juvenile (bottom left, upper): Acanthodesmia corona (Haeckel) = Acanthodesmia sp?, skeleton (center right, upper): Tristephanium dimensivum (Haeckel) = Tristephanium dimensivum Haeckel, 1887?, skeleton (center): Trissocyclus sphaeridium (Haeckel) = Trissocyclidae sp.?, living animal (center right, lower): Octotympanum cervicorne (Haeckel) = Acanthodesmia viniculata (Müller, 1857)?, skeleton (bottom right, upper): Microcubus zonarius (Haeckel) = Amphispyris zonarius (Haeckel, 1887)?, skeleton (top right): Tympaniscus tripodiscus (Haeckel) = Trissocyclidae sp.?, skeleton (center left, upper): Tympaniscus quadrupes (Haeckel) = Trissocyclidae?, skeleton (bottom center): Tympanidium foliosum (Haeckel) = Tympanidium foliosum Haeckel, 1887, living animal (bottom left, lower): Lithotympanum tuberosum (Haeckel) = Lithotympanum tuberosum Haeckel, 1887, living animal (center left, lower): Circotympanum octogonium (Haeckel) = Nassellaria sp.?, skeleton (bottom right, lower): Lithocubus astragalus (Haeckel) = Lithocubus ap., living animal. Date: 1904. Source: Kunstformen der Natur (1904), plate 71: Stephoidea (see here, here and here) Edited for dust, contrast and uneven border, by mixpix 15:02, 24 January 2008 (UTC). Author: Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) . . Alternative names: Haeckel; Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel; Ernst Heinrich Haeckel. Description: German naturalist, philosopher and artist. Date of birth/death: 16 February 1834 9 August 1919 . Location of birth/death: Potsdam Jena. Authority control: : Q48246 VIAF: 73923565 ISNI: 0000 0001 2281 8485 LCCN: n50032763 NLA: 35850550 MusicBrainz: ec9955c3-3d0b-44c9-909d-16c7d0395c05 MGP: 159000 Botanist: Haeckel Open Library: OL2749194A DBNL: hack014 GND: 118544381 SELIBR: 208848 SUDOC: 032207689 BNF: 12328331d NDL: 00522309 BIBSYS: 90141879 NKC: jn20000700655 SBN: ITICCU AVV 20128 BNE: XX1299881 RKD: 236982 NLI: 000058765 Koninklijke: 180341928 NLK: KAC200714948 WorldCat. creator QS:P170,Q48246. Permission(Reusing this file): public domain due to age. Other versions: Unedited version.
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