
Kereru, AKA New Zealand Wood Pigeons are important for maintaining and spreading native bushes and forests. They are the largest seed eating bird remaining in New Zealand, so are the only bird that (34119092814)

Image of Kererū


Description: English: Kereru, AKA New Zealand Wood Pigeons are important for maintaining and spreading native bushes and forests. They are the largest seed eating bird remaining in New Zealand, so are the only bird that can still eat and spread the largest seeds and nuts. Zealandia Ecoreserve Wellington. Date: 2 May 2017, 12:34:41. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/136758431@N05/34119092814/. Author: neil.dalphin. Permission(Reusing this file): At the time of upload, the image license was automatically confirmed using the Flickr API. For more information see Flickr API detail. Flickr sets Zealandia Ecoreserve New Zealand Birds New Zealand 2017. Flickr pools New Zealand Birds Zealandia - Visitor Photos. Flickr tags Red.

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Wikimedia Commons