
A Barred Buttonquail looking for insects food (50118444602)

Image of Barred Buttonquail


Description: Barred Buttonquail at Himayat Sagar Lake, Hyderabad, India. A beautiful chubby creature the size of a small toy. I love this bird sightings and when I stop the vehicle and sit silently, the bird does its routine fearlessly. Hunting insects, playing with each other, fighting etc.. This is the closest I ever got to it. On this note, thank you Tamron, this is one of the last (good) shots on my 150-600 mm G2 I guess! Now that I have a new muse, time to bid adieu. It was fun with the 15000 shots I took with you. Many thanks in advance for your views / comments. Thanks in advance. Date: 12 July 2020, 18:32. Source: A Barred Buttonquail looking for insects / food. Author: Hari K Patibanda.

Source Information

Hari K Patibanda|sourceurl=https://flickr.com/photos/34176693@N06/50118444602%7Carchive=%7Creviewdate=2020-09-02 21:25:43|reviewlicense=cc-by-2.0|reviewer=FlickreviewR 2
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