
Atta texana incipient garden (27238624867)

Image of Texas Leaf Cutting Ant


Description: Atta texana leafcutter ant queen with eggs and incipient fungus garden.Laboratory colony at The University of Texas at Austin.v.2018 : This image was created as part of the Insects Unlocked project at the University of Texas at Austin. Based in the UT insect collection at Brackenridge Field Laboratory, part of the Department of Integrative Biology. See also https://twitter.com/InsectsUnlocked Do not crop: These images are used on one or more sister projects (where their entire contents are wanted), or have archival significance. If you crop it, please save the new image separately, and do not overwrite this one.العربية | বাংলা | čeština | Deutsch | English | español | français | magyar | македонски | മലയാളം | português | svenska | українська | +/−. : . Date: 10 May 2018, 15:12. Source: Atta texana incipient garden. Author: Insects Unlocked from USA.

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