
US BLM painted turtle picta pic

Image of Eastern Painted Turtle


Description: English: Frontal shot of painted turtle. Date: 1 January 2011. Source: http://www.blm.gov/id/st/en/prog/wildlife/reptiles/turtles_and_lizards/painted_turtle1.html. Author: US Bureau of Land Management. Permission (Reusing this file): public domain (US GOVT), quoting permission: "The BLM fully complies with existing laws and directives that address the digital, copyright, trademark and patent rights of private sector sources. Most of our content posted is in the public domain which does not require copyright or other intellectual property notices. In those cases where we do use such information, we will clearly indicate the limited use of the content along with the terms of use on the page displaying or accessing such content." http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/National_Page/Notices_used_in_Footer/digital_rights__copyright.html. Other versions: Derivative works of this file: US BLM painted turtle picta pic2.jpg.

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