Brehms Het Leven der DIeren Orde 1 Lar (Hylobates lar)

Description: Lar of Withandige Gibbon (Hylobates lar). Date: 1927. Source: Author: Alfred Brehm (1829–1884) . . Alternative names: Brehm; Alfred Edmund Brehm; A. E. Brehm. Description: biologist, ornithologist, zoologist, painter, writer and naturalist. Date of birth/death: 2 February 1829 11 November 1884 . Location of birth/death: Renthendorf Renthendorf. Authority control: : Q155112 VIAF: 47553366 ISNI: 0000 0001 2131 4808 LCCN: n50065092 NLA: 35021594 Open Library: OL1929082A DBNL: breh002 GND: 118514814 SELIBR: 179101 SUDOC: 080196845 BNF: 12917679t BIBSYS: 10068705 NKC: jn20000601003 SBN: CUBV026236 CiNii: DA02860881 NLP: A11505424 RKD: 236636 J9U: 987007305589305171 Koninklijke: 070143978 WorldCat. creator QS:P170,Q155112. Permission(Reusing this file): Public domain.
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- Primates (primates)
- Haplorrhini
- Anthropoidea
- Catarrhini
- Hominoidea (ape)
- Hylobatidae (gibbons)
- Hylobates (gibbons)
- Hylobates lar (White-handed Gibbon)
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