Cerulean Warbler (ad. male), Muskegon SGA, September 1, 2008 (7931435600)

Description: My personal late date, and right at the location of a territory from summer 2008, so probably the same individual. Do adults typically stay this late but remain undetected while they forage silently in the canopy, invisible through the leaves? I suspect so but more datapoints like this are needed to clinch it. Date: 1 September 2008, 09:56. Source: Cerulean Warbler (ad. male), Muskegon SGA, September 1, 2008. Author: Caleb Putnam.
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- Caleb Putnam|sourceurl=https://flickr.com/photos/27846187@N07/7931435600%7Carchive=http://web.archive.org/web/20190121021145/https://flickr.com/photos/27846187@N07/7931435600%7Creviewdate=2018-11-23 02:38:21|reviewlicense=cc-by-2.0|reviewer=FlickreviewR 2
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