Upupa con cresta aperta

Description: English: An exemplary male hoopoe, which opens the crest of the sample to draw attention to female during mating. Italiano: Un esemplare maschio di upupa che apre la cresta per attirare l’attenzione dell’esemplare femmina, durante il periodo dell'accoppiamento. Date: 4 August 2011. Source: Own work. Author: Davidbottan. Camera location 45° 49′ 00″ N, 12° 44′ 00″ E : View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap - Google Earth: 45.816667; 12.733333. : This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: August 6, 2011 The image has been cropped to get a new version containing only the subject, without the background..
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- Bucerotiformes (hornbills and relatives)
- Upupidae (hoopoes)
- Upupa
- Upupa epops (Common Hoopoe)
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Source Information
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- cc-publicdomain
- creator
- Davidbottan
- original
- original media file
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- Wikimedia Commons
- ID