Basilornis galeatus 1898

Description: English: « Basilornis galeatus » = Basilornis galeatus (Helmeted Myna)Français : « Basilornis galeatus » = Basilornis galeatus (Basilorne huppé). Date: 1898. Source: The birds of Celebes and the neighbouring islands. Author: Adolf Bernhard Meyer (1840–1911) . . Alternative names: Adolf Meyer; Meyer; Aron Baruch Meyer. Description: German anthropologist, ornithologist and entomologist. Date of birth/death: 11 October 1840 22 August 1911. Location of birth/death: Hamburg Dresden. Work period: 1889 / 1881 / 1904 . Work location: Sulawesi . Authority control: : Q63167 VIAF: 2771337 ISNI: 0000 0001 1884 017X LCCN: n88610072 NLA: 36478721 Open Library: OL165142A GND: 117554847 SELIBR: 272992 SUDOC: 131915398 BNF: 10632509s BIBSYS: 2025556 NKC: mub2016915737 SBN: ITICCUCUBV111898 BNE: XX5126013 NLI: 000194017 Koninklijke: 074405683 WorldCat. creator QS:P170,Q63167 Lionel William Wiglesworth (1865–1901) . Alternative names: Lionwl W. Wiglesworth. Description: British ornithologist. Date of birth/death: 1865 1901 . Authority control: : Q11876012 VIAF: 282587930 NLA: 35601809 GND: 117707570 Koninklijke: 217546080. creator QS:P170,Q11876012. Other versions: : This file has been extracted from another file: The birds of Celebes and the neighbouring islands - XXXVI.jpg : .
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- Neornithes
- Neognathae
- Neoaves
- landbirds
- Passeriformes
- Oscines
- Muscicapoidea
- Sturnidae
- Basilornis
- Basilornis galeatus (Helmeted Myna)
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