

Image of Acraea actinotina Lathy 1903


Description: English: Percy Ireland Lathy, 1903 An Account of a Collection of Rhopalocera made on the Anambara Creek in Nigeria, West Africa Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1903 (2) : 182-206, pl. 8 1 Euphaedra nigrocilia Euphaedra nigrocilia Lathy, 1903 2 Telipna actinotina synonym for Acraea actinotina(Lathy, 1903) 3 Pentila radiata synonym for Pentila pauli Staudinger, 1888 4 Pentila multipunctata synonym for Pentila pauli Staudinger, 1888 5 Pseuderesia gordoni synonym for Stempfferia gordoni(Druce, 1903) 6 Liptena submacula Liptena submacula Lathy, 1903 7 Deudorix caliginosa Deudorix caliginosa Lathy, 1903 8 Myrina subornata Myrina subornata Lathy, 1903 9 Jolaus adamsi synonym for Iolaus laon Hewitson, 1878 10 Aphnaeus brahami Aphnaeus brahami Lathy, 1903 11 Oxypalpus fulvus synonym for Teniorhinus ignita (Mabille, 1877)[ 12 Baoris ogrugana synonym for Meza meza(Hewitson, 1877). Date: 2 October 2013, 07:04:08. Source: https://archive.org/stream/transactionsofen1903roya#page/n7/mode/2up. Author: Robert Mintern (1840–1908) . Alternative names: R. Mintern. Description: artist. Date of birth/death: 1840 1908 . Location of birth/death: Rochester Wandsworth. Work period: 1859–1900. Work location: London . Authority control: : Q46255973. creator QS:P170,Q46255973.

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