
Farmer in Tamil Nadu 1993

Image of Bos primigenius indicus


Description: Deutsch: Bauer mit Ochsen in Tamil Nadu, Indien im Jahr 1993. English: Farmer with oxen in Tamil Nadu, India in the year 1993. Français : Un fermier mène deux boeufs. Photo prise en 1993 dans le Tamil Nadu, en Inde. മലയാളം: കാളകളുമായി പോകുന്ന കർഷകൻ, 1993-ൽ ഇന്ത്യയിലെ തമിഴ്‌നാട്ടിൽ നിന്നെടുത്ത ദൃശ്യം. Tiếng Việt: Người nông dân cùng những con Tamil Nadu, Ấn Độ năm 1993. Date: 1993. Source: Own work. Author: Michael Gäbler. Camera Model Olympus OM-3. Mode. Shutter speed. Aperture. Exposure compensation. Film speed (ISO). Lens. Focal length. Focal length (35 mm equiv.). Filter(s). Flash. Support. Film. Developer. Sensor size {{{Sensor size}}}. Scanner Nikon Coolscan V ED. Notes. [edit] : :. This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination [[Commons:|here]]. This is a featured picture on the Vietnamese language Wikipedia (Hình ảnh chọn lọc) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here. If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license, be sure to upload it, tag it, and nominate it...mw-parser-output.template-picture-of-the-day{box-sizing:border-box;clear:both;width:100%;margin:0.5em auto;border:2px solid #e5d4a1;background-color:#faf5e6;border-spacing:8px}.mw-parser-output.template-picture-of-the-day td{padding:0}.mw-parser-output.template-picture-of-the-day.potd-icon{width:64px;text-align:center} : This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 28 November 2010. It was captioned as follows:English: Farmer walking with oxen in Tamil Nadu, India in the year 1993. Other languages: Català : Un granger caminant amb una parella de bous Bos taurus indicus a l'estat Tamil Nadu de l'Índia, el 1993.Čeština : Farmář v indickém Tamilnádu vede zebu (1993)Dansk: Landmand med zebuokser i Tamil Nadu i Indien i 1993.Deutsch: Indische Bauern bestellen mit Ochsen ein Feld in der Provinz Tamil Nadu (im Jahr 1993)English: Farmer walking with oxen in Tamil Nadu, India in the year 1993.Español : Granjero con cebúes en Tamil Nadu, India en 1993.Íslenska: Bóndi með uxa í héraðinu Tamil Nadu, Indlandi, árið 1993.Italiano : Un contadino con i suoi zebù, Tamil Nadu (India)Magyar : Földművelő két zebuval (Bos indicus) az indiai Tamilnádu államban (1993)Nederlands: boer met twee zeboe's in de Indiase deelstaat Tamil Nadu (1993).Polski: Rolnik prowadzący woły, stan Tamil Nadu w Indiach, 1993.Português : Trabalhador rural em Tamil Nadu, Índia.Svenska: En bonde med två oxar i Tamil Nadu i Indien, 1993.Македонски : Земјоделец со ѕевгар волови во Тамил Наду, Индија (1993).Русский : Крестьянин ведёт быка в штате Тамилнаду, Индия (1993)മലയാളം : കാളകളുമായി പോകുന്ന കർഷകൻ, 1993-ൽ ഇന്ത്യയിലെ തമിഴ്‌നാട്ടിൽ നിന്നെടുത്ത ദൃശ്യം.한국어: 인도 타밀나두 주의 농부와 . 1993년.日本語: コブウシを牽くインドの農夫。1993年、タミル・ナードゥ州にて。中文: 印度泰米尔纳德邦的农夫和瘤牛,拍摄于1983年العربية : فلاح يسير مع الأبقار في اقليم التاميل، الهند في سنة 1993. : This image was selected as picture of the day on Bengali Wikipedia.

Source Information

Michael Gäbler
Michael Gäbler
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