
Mirabilistrombus listeri (Gray, 1852) in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (white)

Image of Mirabilistrombus Kronenberg 1998


Description: English: In the year 1870, the malacologist G. B. Sowerby II classified a species as Strombus mirabilis (mirabilis coming from "marvillous"), in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (April 28, 1870; Academic Press, London); however, this species had already been described by John Edward Gray as Strombus listeri, in the year 1852.[1] The first known specimen of the mollusc initially described as Strombus listeri belonged to John Tradescant, from London, in the early 17th century, and was illustrated by Martin Lister, whose design served to describe the holotype by Thomas Gray in 1852, hence the listeri denomination. Another famous British collector, Mrs. de Burgh, acquired another specimen, a few years later, serving for the description of the species Strombus mirabilis by GB Sowerby II, in 1870. Its most frequent collection took place after, in the second half of the 20th century, being still listed by the malacologist S. Peter Dance in his 1969 book, Rare Shells.[2]. Date: 13 April 2021. Source: Original file taken from Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Pl. XXI. (April 28, 1870). (Biodiversity Heritage Library). Edited background. Author: G. B. Sowerby II. Other versions: .

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