
Atlas Coelestis by John Flamsteed (1729) 015

Image of Scorpio


Warning The original file is very high-resolution. It might not load properly or could cause your browser to freeze when opened at full size. To avoid these issues, use the ZoomViewer. : Open in ZoomViewer. Description: English: Atlas Coelestis by John Flamsteed (1729). Date: 1729. Source: https://www.raremaps.com/gallery/detail/66646/atlas-coelestis-flamsteed. Author: John Flamsteed (1646–1719) . . Description: British astronomer. Date of birth/death: 19 August 1646 (in Julian calendar) 31 December 1719 (in Julian calendar) . Location of birth/death: Denby Burstow. Work location: Royal Observatory (July 1676–) . Authority control: : Q242388 VIAF: 64164356 ISNI: 0000 0000 8388 9028 LCCN: n84155703 NLA: 35088051 MGP: 234539 Open Library: OL455599A DBNL: flam009 Oxford Dict.: 9669 GND: 119325748 SUDOC: 050329790 BNF: 13524243n NDL: 00466530 BIBSYS: 90163701 NKC: xx0247070 CiNii: DA0320489X NLP: A34203606 J9U: 987007452483005171 Koninklijke: 160564611 WorldCat. creator QS:P170,Q242388.

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