
Biologist displaying a Chinook Salmon - 2010 (101114-A-4971M-150)

Image of Chinook Salmon


Description: A California Department of Fish and Wildlife biologist displays a Chinook salmon to attendees at the second annual Stanislaus River Salmon Festival hosted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District's Stanislaus River Parks here Nov. 14. Chinook salmon and steelhead trout share the Stanislaus River with 25 other game fish. According to J.D. Wikert, habitat restoration coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and one of the festival coordinators, more than 11,000 Chinook salmon returned to their spawning ground on the river during this year’s fall run. More than 3,000 people attended the event, aimed educating young people on the protection of the local fish and its habitat. Date: 14 November 2010, 13:08. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sacramentodistrict/5182561093/. Author: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District. Camera location37° 49′ 08.42″ N, 120° 39′ 59.52″ W View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 37.819005; -120.666532.

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