
The Pesky Parrot - Vernal Hanging Parrot

Image of Vernal Hanging Parrot


My favorite Guava tree is invaded by these beautiful little parrots every year.They come in large numbers and devour the fruits even before they start to ripen. I made it a point to observe them regularly and salvage any fruit they hadn't yet consumed. One day when I went to shoo them off,I noticed a partially consumed Guava. I knew the Parrot would return and thought it would be nice to photograph the culprit for the record.I set my camera on a tripod just 5 feet away from the partially eaten fruit, composed the image, and set the focus. I then waited behind a nearby tree with the cable release in my hand. The wait lasted not more then 10 mins when the bird landed right beside the fruit and slowly made its way onto the target. The bird started consuming the fruit hanging upside down. Every now and then I would trigger my camera and the bird would be surprised by the sound, it would stop eating and look all around for anything suspicious. This continued for a few mins, I think I had shot approx 10 pictures when I decided to stop and return home.Out of 9 shots 3 were perfectly in focus and I decided to post this. :-D

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Vipin Baliga
Vipin Baliga
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