
[0273] Bucculatrix thoracella

Image of Bucculatrix thoracella Thunberg 1794


Another blooming successful catch!August is upon us, and the mild weather looks set to continue, with a few outbreaksof rain here and there expected over the next week. Today was hot and humid and witha high of 34 degrees, it would have been rude not to set the trap up!Despite clear skies the temperature was still 19 degrees at 6am this morning. Mothswere absolutely everywhere, in the trap, on the wall and within the long grass. Ittook just over an hour of sorting. Unfortunately quite a few had passed away, possiblyto do with 4 dead wasps in the trap and a combination of high temperature and the sheeramount of Dot Moths and Dark Arches, the latter numbering close to 80 individuals.Best Macro moths were Barred Hook-tip, Campion, Slender Brindle and the long awaitedSwallow Prominent (having had Lesser Swallow on numerous occasions)Best Micro moths were 3 Limnaecia phragmitella, Clavigesta purdeyi and the tiny Epinotia nanana. Adding 3 new Micros to my all time list was very pleasing indeed.I will be trapping again on Sunday night.Catch Report - 01/08/13 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson trapMacro Moths1x Barred Hook-tip [NFG]1x Swallow Prominent [NFG]1x Campion [NFG]1x Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet [NFG]1x Slender Brindle [NFG]2x Maple Pug [NFG]3x Dusky Sallow [NFG]1x Scorched Carpet [NFG]2x Oak Hook-tip [NFG]2x Orange Swift [NFY]2x Black Arches [NFY]3x Flounced Rustic [NFY]3x Square-spotted Clay [NFY]4x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing [NFY]3x Copper Underwing [NFY]13x Bright-line Brown-eye2x Brimstone Moth1x Cabbage Moth1x Clay2x Cloaked Minor1x Clouded Border2x Common Carpet1x Clouded Silver10x Common Footman13x Common Rustic72x Dark Arches1x Dingy Shears52x Dot Moth11x Double Square-spot6x Dun-bar2x Early Thorn1x Fan-foot1x Flame2x Flame Shoulder1x Grey Dagger2x Heart & Dart2x July Highflyer2x Large Yellow Underwing1x Least Carpet5x Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing6x Lesser Yellow Underwing1x Light Arches2x Marbled Beauty2x Mottled Rustic1x Nut-tree Tussock8x Peppered Moth2x Red Twin-spot Carpet15x Riband Wave2x Ruby Tiger2x Shuttle-shaped Dart12x Silver-Y2x Single-dotted Wave9x Small Fan-footed Wave1x Spectacle4x Straw Underwing2x Swallow-tailed Moth5x Uncertain2x V-pug4x White Satin Moth19x Willow Beauty2x Yellow-tailMicro Moths1x Ancylis badiana [NFG]1x Bucculatrix thoracella [NEW!]3x Limnaecia phragmitella [NFG]1x Yponomeuta padella [NFG]3x Eudemis profundana [NFG]1x Clavigesta purdeyi [NEW!]1x Spilonota laricana [NEW!]1x Epinotia nanana [NFG]1x Phlyctaenia coronata [NFG]2x Argyrotaenia ljungiana [NFY]2x Pandemis corylana [NFY]1x Agonopterix alstromeriana [NFY]4x Cydia splendana [NFY]3x Spilonota ocellana1x Hypsopygia costalis2x Caloptilia alchimiella3x Bryotropha terrella2x Blastobasis adustella1x Trachycera suavella3x Trachycera advenella1x Mompha propinquella2x Aphomia sociella2x Archips podana1x Pandemis heparana2x Batia unitella3x Phycita roborella2x Tischeria ekebladella46x Agriphila straminella2x Hofmannophila pseudospretella2x Acleris forsskaleana5x Pleuroptya ruralis4x Endotricha flammealis8x Carcina quercana8x Agriphila tristella2x Dipleurina lacustrata

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Ben Sale
Ben Sale
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