
Red-crested Cardinal and Yellow-billed Cardinal in Pantanal

Image of Red-crested Cardinal


Category hierarchy: Special Collections | Guyra Paraguay
Description: Red-crested cardinal and Yellow-billed cardinal in marsh vegetation along boardwalk at Fortín Patria, Pantanal. Paraguay is home to at least 589 breeding bird species and 120 migratory bird species. This region, situated in the extreme northeastern corner of western Paraguay and extending south along the Paraguay river forms a southern extension to the primarily Brazilian Pantanal. It is typified by medium-height subhumid forests, wetlands and periodically flooded forests. A total of 377 bird species have been recorded in the Matogrosense region, of which four have not been found elsewhere in Paraguay. Near 19°55’S, 58°35’W. Breeding Status: Breeding permanent resident. Habitat: Gallery Forest, Wetlands, Dry Forest, Scrubs, Second Growth Scrub, Pasture and Freshwater. Estado de ocurrencia: Residente nidificante permanente. Hábitat: Bosques en galería, Humedales, Bosque xerófito, Matorral, Capuera, Pastura implantada, Agua dulce. (Portion of text from: Guyra Paraguay 2004, Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Paraguay, Paraguay.)
Original date: 20040424

Locality: Latitude: -1.991670000000000e+001; Longitude: -5.858330000000000e+001

Source Information

Andrea Grosse, John P. Mosesso /life.nbii.gov
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