
Image of Salmonella

Image of Salmonella


Under a high magnification of 10000X, this colorized scanning electron micrograph (SEM) revealed the presence of four Gram-negative Salmonella typhimurium bacteria, that had been isolated from a pure culture. See PHIL 10976 for a black and white version of this image.

How do people catch Salmonella??

Salmonella live in the intestinal tracts of humans and other animals, including birds. Salmonella are usually transmitted to humans by eating foods contaminated with animal feces. Contaminated foods usually look and smell normal. Contaminated foods are often of animal origin, such as beef, poultry, milk, or eggs, but any food, including vegetables, may become contaminated. Thorough cooking kills Salmonella. Food may also become contaminated by the hands of an infected food handler who did not wash hands with soap after using the bathroom.
Created: 2009

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Janice Haney Carr
Public Health Image Library