
Image of Trichophyton tonsurans Malmsten 1848

Image of Trichophyton tonsurans Malmsten 1848


This photomicrograph revealed some of the morphology exhibited by a Trichophyton tonsurans fungal colony. Note the glaborous, or smooth velvety appearance of this colony, and early changes at its center, which in time will lead to its characteristically raised appearance, as well as its yellowish-beige coloration

T. tonsurans and T. rubrum are two common dermatophytes. These two species are usually transmitted from person to person. Another common dermatophyte is Microsporum canis, which is transmitted from animals, including cats and dogs, to people. Dermatophytes like to live on moist areas of the skin, such as places where there are skin folds. They can also contaminate items in the environment, such as clothing, towels and bedding.
Created: 1974

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