Figure 10. Structural features of Cymindis limbata Dejean: A, phallus and everted endophallus, right lateral aspect; B, female reproductive tract and ovipositor, ventral aspect. Legend: aa, apical area; bc, bursa copulatrix; bl, basal lobe; co, common oviduct; ep, endophallic plate; gc1, gonocoxite 1; gc2, gonocoxite 2; lt, lateral tergite; mp, microtrichial patch s, shaft; sd, spermathecal diverticulum; sg,spermathecal gland; sgd, spermathecal gland duct; sp, spermatheca.
Figure 11. Male genitalia of Cymindis limbata Dejean: A, phallus, apical portion, and everted endophallus, ventral aspect; B, lateral aspect of phallus (endophallus inverted); C, dorsal aspect, showing curvature of phallic apex to left. Legend: aa, apical area; bl, basal lobe; mp, microtrichial patch; s, shaft.