
Brief Summary

provided by IABIN
Diagnostic Broad, heavy Guild, plain olivaceous-green or brown color of the dorsal aspect, often devoid of pattern and the apparently thick, glandular skin, the distinctive Bellow ocelli on the concealed parts of the flanks and limbs, especially the upper posterior part of the thigh.
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
partner site


provided by IABIN
Occurs up to 1,200m asl in the Serra do Mar of southeastern Brazil from the States of Espírito Santo and southeastern Minas Gerais, south to the State of Parana.
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
partner site

Diagnostic Description

provided by IABIN
Adult morphology Build robust. Body heavy, as wide as the head in postaxillary region, narrowed beyond the sacrum. Hindlimb fairly long, the tibiotarsal articulation reaching almost to the nostril when the leg is adpressed Head large, slightly longer than wide. Snout rounded from above, pointed in front; rounded and slanting back to the mouth opening in profile. Canthus rostralis inevident. Loreal region almost flat, oblique. Nostrils slightly raised, superolateral opening above, placed at approximately two-thirds of the distance from the eye to the tip of the snout. Eye large, prominent, its horizontal diameter slightly longer than the distance to the nostril and equal to about two-thirds the distance from the tip of the snout. Tympanum rounded, distinct, two-fifths the diameter of the eye. Interorbital space wider than the intemarial space. Tongue very wide, almost circular, notched and free behind. Vomerine teeth in two short, transverse groups, close together, between the choanae. Fingers webbed at the base. Disks short, very wide. A large tubercle under the first finger, a similar, bad, one under the third and fourth fingers. A glandular ridge on the outside of the hand to the first subarticular tubercle of the fourth finger. Toes four-fifths webbed. A narrow fringe on the inner side of the first, to the subarticular tubercle; on inner side web wide to first subarticular tubercle of the second toe, to second tubercle of the third; to penultimate, on both sides of the fourth; wide to below the disk on the outer side of the second and third and on the fifth toe, A glandular ridge on the outside of the foot, continuing as a fringe to the fifth toe. An elongate inner, a smaller outer metatarsal tubercle; rows of minute palmar and plantar tubercles. A faint glandular ridge on the inner side of the tarsus; a short supratympanic ridge; a mass of glandules behind the tympanum and the upper corner of the mouth. Skin of dorsal aspect beset with glandules. A fold across the chest, covering a pair of short' axillary folds. Skin of gula minutely granular, of belly and rnidventral aspect of thigh more coarsely so Coloration: In life distinctly olivaceous above, mostly olive green, sometimes olive yellow or brown. Tympanum a more vivid brown, edge of upper lip light, minutely dotted in dark. Iris buff with golden sheen, black reticulation toward the periphery and small median notch on the free edge of the lower rim. Dorsal color generally uniform. Bright, rounded, lemon-yellow ocelli on the hind part of the flank and dorsal aspect of the limbs concealed in repose, especially the posterior part of the thigh; sometimes a similar ocellus at the edge of the upper arm. In very ornate specimens the concealed pattern sometimes visible from beneath and continued onto the inner ventral aspect of leg, occasionally onto the dorsal aspect of the tarsus and of the inner toes, all of them concealed in repose. Sides, at edges of pattern, tinged with lemon yellow. Ventral aspect immaculate. Gula of male yellow. In females white, dotted with brown, the dots sometimes extensive to the chest or sides of the body and ventral aspect of the thigh. Belly paque, with. Lower aspect of the limbs somewhat violaceous. Webs mottled. Ventral edge of thigh similar to the edge of the upper lip. Ocelli on thigh, either rounded and disposed in one row, seldom in two. Or horizontally elongate, as if confluent with a wavy outline derived from the darker background. On flank mostly one elongate oblique ocellus, sometimes others continuing onto the ocelli or light areas of anterior upper aspect of thigh. Variation Extremes of size are rather far apart, but most specimens fall within average limits. Build generally heavy and robust; the author has seen few slender adults. Hindlimb variable in length; the adpressed tibiotarsal articulation reaching between the nostril and eye in most specimens, to the forrner in a few, only to the latter in a larger number, especially fernales. Head mostly 1 or 2 mm longer than wide but some individuals short-headed; snout often rounded in outline instead of forming a point in front. In some specimens canthi rostrales evident though blunt. Teeth seldom slightly separate, sometimes practically contiguous, often near the posterior edge of the choanae. Tongue sometirnes narrower, more elongate, entire or hardly emarginate. Glandular outer ridges of hand and foot, especially the latter, not equally well developed in all individuals. Size of tympanum slightly variable; in some individuals the supratympanic ridge covers its upper part. Females (43-49 mm snout-vent length) much larger than males (39-42 mm); hindlimb generally relatively shorter, the tibiotarsal articulation reaching only to eye or just in front of it. Concealed pattern often very extensive and very marked; gula frequently dotted in dark. Males smaller, extremes of size less wide apart. Outer edge of the first finger thickened into a light pad at the nuptial period, forearms sometimes thick. Larval morphology Body sub-cylindrical in dorsal view, deeper than wide; snout broadly rounded in dorsal view; nostril closer to eye than tip of snout; distance between nares 72% interorbital width; nares dorsolateral, rounded; eye dorsolateral, 18% body length; opening of the sinistral spiracle directed posteriorly on the inferior half of the body about 78% body length; anal tube short and dextral; tail higher than body; dorsal fin origin midway on the body length; fins arched; tail musculature reaching the pointed tail tip; mouth anteroventral. width 44% body width; a single row of oral papillae interrupted on the upper lip; scattered papillae on lateral portions; tooth row formula 2(2)/3(1 ); beak strongly developed and finely serrated; lower beak keeled. Body on dorsum and tail musculature lightly brown pigmented; venter transparent; fins transparent with brown reticulations. In life body musculature lemon-yellow, venter white; fins yellowish with blackish reticulations; iris golden with a median longitudinal red stripe.
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
partner site

Conservation Status

provided by IABIN
LC. Least Concern.
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
partner site