Mejlgård Skov
Hanstholm Vildtreservat
Cerbere Pyrénées-Orientales France
Sardinien, Italien
Allindelille Fredskov ved Ringsted, Denmark
Crystal Perreira / soapberrybug.org
EOL staff
Red-shouldered Bug (Jadera haematoloma) nymphs feeding on seeds of Goldenrain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata)
Acacimenus variabilis, dorsal habitus (BMNH)
Menosoma pseudotaeniata, head and pronotum, dorsally (Linnavuori, R. E., & D. M. DeLong 1978, Neotropical leafhoppers of the Bahita group (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae). A contribution to the taxonomy. Brenesia. 14&15:109-169.)
Eastfield College, Mesquite, TX
Ramón A. Dones, Gregory A. Evans
Figure 6. Mycetaspis ailynaomi, detail of pygidial lobes of holotype female.
Li-Yun Jiang, Jing Chen1,, Ge-Xia Qiao
Figures 31–34.Chucallis latusigladius Qiao, Jiang & Chen, sp. n. Dorsal view of body: 31 1st instar nymph 32 2nd instar nymph 33 3rd instar nymph 34 4th instar nymph. Scale bars = 0.10 mm.
Figures 1–6.Megacanthaspis hangzhouensis Wei & Feng, sp. n., adult female: 1 habitus 2 detail of antenna 3 detail of anterior spiracle 4 quinquelocular pores 5 dorsal 2-barred duct 6 pygidium.
Yanli Che, Yalin Zhang, Yinglun Wang
Figures 7–16.Macrodarumoides petalinus sp. n. 7 Tegmen 8 Wing 9 Male genitalia, left side 10 Male anal segment, dorsal view 11 Aedeagus, lateral view 12 Apex of aedeagus, ventral view 13 Apex of dorsal lobe, dorsal view 14 Female genitalia, left side 15 Female anal segment, dorsal view 16 Pregenital sternite, ventral view. Scale bars = 1.0 mm (Figs 7–8), 0.5 mm (Figs 9–16)
Isabelle M. Vea, Rodger A. Gwiazdowski, Benjamin B. Normark
Figure 1.Chionaspis brachycephalon Vea sp. n., adult female.
Figure 4.Nipponosemia metulata Chou & Lei, 1993, male. A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D face E abdomen and posterior part of thorax, ventral view F timbal and timbal cover, dorsal view G left fore leg, showing the spines on fore femur.
Juan-Manuel Nieto Nafría, Milagros-Pilar Mier Durante, Georges Remaudière
Figure 5.A Aphidura amphorosiphon sp. n. B Aphidura pakistanensis sp. n. C Aphidura graeca sp. n. D Aphidura urmiensis sp. n. A alatae viviparous female B–D apterous viviparous female B–D boxesmesosternum with mammariform processes. General scale bars 0.2 mm, boxes scale bar 0.01 mm.
Marcela Cornelis, María C. Coscarón
Figure 13.Geographical distribution of species of Nabidae in Argentina: a Pagasa b Metatropiphorus c Lasiomerus d Nabis.
María Inés Catalano, Susana L. Paradell, Christopher H. Dietrich
Figure 1.Dorsal habitus. A Balera floripara sp. n. B Habralebra amoena. Scale = 1 mm.
Figures 10–21.Dayus trifurcatus Yu & Yang, sp. n., 10 head and thorax, dorsal view 11 face 12 head and thorax, lateral view 13 male genital capsule, lateral view 14 male abdominal apodemes 15 male pygofer, dorsal view 16 ventral pygofer appendage, outside lateral view 17 subgenital plate, ventral view 18 paramere 19 aedeagus and connective, dorsal view 20 aedeagus and connective, lateral view 21 anal tube process.