Description: Falco novaeseelandiae English: NZ Falcon, Fiordland National Park, New Zealand. Māori: Kārearea. Date: 17 August 2008 (date originally uploaded). Source: Self-published work by William Walker (Fujifilm Finepix f420.), originally uploaded as File:Falco.jpg on by author. Author: William Walker.
Description: English: This beautiful Karearea was found in an empty aviary in Upper Hutt. It had got in through an open door but couldn't find it's way out again! It had previously got in via a break in the wire which had since been repaired but although it had got in through the open door, it only remembered the break in the aviary and was trying to get out out that way. Date: 21 April 2021, 14:27:52. Source: Own work. Author: Rosa Stewart.
Description: Falco novaeseelandiae English: The New Zealand Falcon diving, composite image of four frames combined using Hugin. Zealandia wildlife sanctuary, Wellington, New Zealand. The Canon 20D max frame rate is about 5 fps so these images a spaced approximately 0.2 seconds apart.) Māori: Kārearea. Date: 28 September 2011. Source: Own work Camera Model Canon EOS 20D. Mode. Shutter speed 1/500s. Aperture f8. Exposure compensation. Film speed (ISO) 400. Lens Canon Zoom Lens EF 75-300mm 1:4-5.6 58mm. Focal length 135mm. Focal length (35 mm equiv.). Filter(s). Flash. Support freehand. Film. Developer. Sensor size {{{Sensor size}}}. Scanner. Notes manual focus. Author: Tony Wills. Other versions: .
Description: English: This beautiful Karearea was found in an empty aviary in Upper Hutt. It had got in through an open door but couldn't find it's way out again! It had previously got in via a break in the wire which had since been repaired but although it had got in through the open door, it only remembered the break in the aviary and was trying to get out out that way. Date: 21 April 2021, 14:27:52. Source: Own work. Author: Rosa Stewart.
Description: English: Falco novaeseelandiae (kārearea/NZ Falcon) taken 8/2014 Makarora New Zealand. Date: 29 August 2014, 15:46:12. Source: Photographer Ken Paterson of Oamaru - Taken Makarora. Author: Ken Paterson of Oamaru.