Orbulina universa, d'Orbigny.
Orbitolites tenuissimus, Carpenter MSS..
Radiolaires. 1, Arachnocorys circumtexta (Haeck.); 2, Amphilonche heteracantha (Haeck.)
Fabularia discolithes (Defraroe).
Miliola tenera (M.Sch.)-1, Rotalia veneta (M. Sch.)-2, Cornuspira planorbis (M.Sch).-3.
Orbulina universa.
Globigerina bulioides Brady (Challenger).
Image by D.W. Coats, specimen from Bay of Villefranche, April 2010. ID by Noritoshi Suzuki.
ID by Noritoshi Suzuki
Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes (Bailey) [Nassellaria, Lophophaenidae]- Radiolarian from the Chukchi Sea
Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes (Bailey) [Nassellaria, Lophophaenidae]- From Station 42 in the Chukchi Sea
Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes (Bailey) [Nassellaria, Lophophaenidae]- From the Canadian Basin (arctic)
A radiolarian from Station 52
A radiolarian from Station 52
ID by Noritoshi Suzuki
A radiolarian from the Arctic in July. Likely Amphimelissa setosa according to Noritoshi Suzuki. From a sample taken by Eun Jin Yang in 2012.
From Station 37 - the most common radiolarian from the Chukchi Sea
Amphimelissa setosa (Cleve) From Station 13 - the most common radiolarian from the Chukchi Sea, an empty shell showing how 'setose' it can be.
Another Amphimelissa setosa. From The Chukchi Sea.
ID by Noritoshi Suzuki
Triceraspyris antarctica from the Amundsen Sea.
Protocystis found wearing a crown of diatoms. Sample from the Amundsen Sea.
Specimen from the Biosope cruise in the Pacific Ocean (Station STB6 between Marquise Islands & Easter Island).