provided by Rotifers of the World
Collection specimen
provided by Rotifers of the World
holotype for Keratella taksinensis Chittapun, Pholpunthin et Segers, 2002
Catalog number: RIR0136-IG29717
Collection: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium
Prepared by: Segers, H
Sex/stage/structure: female
Preparation: Slide Preparation; Microscope slide, pure Glycerine mount, DePex sealing
Specimen Count: 1
Collection specimen
provided by Rotifers of the World
paratype for Keratella taksinensis Chittapun, Pholpunthin et Segers, 2002
Catalog number: no indicated
Collection: Ghent University, Institute of Animal Ecology, Belgium
Prepared by: Segers, H
Sex/stage/structure: female
Preparation: Slide Preparation