Longitude (deg): -0.9. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: South Hants. Vice county no.: 11. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: macro-photograph. Real world width(mm): 125.2361111111. Photographic equipment used: Specimens directly scanned on Black Widow 9630 SP flatbed scanner.
Longitude (deg): -0.9. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: South Hants. Vice county no.: 11. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: macro-photograph. Real world width(mm): 7.662333333333. Photographic equipment used: Specimens directly scanned on Black Widow 9630 SP flatbed scanner.
Longitude (deg): -0.9. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 60' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: South Hants. Vice county no.: 11. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: macro-photograph. Real world width(mm): 12.36133333333. Photographic equipment used: Specimens directly scanned on Black Widow 9630 SP flatbed scanner.
Southmere, Florida, United States
Maryland, United States
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Akiaki or Beach dropseedPoaceae (Gramineae)Indigenous to the Hawaiian IslandsBarbers Point, OahuThe leaves, culms and roots were used medicinally. The plant was mixed with other ingredients and used to treat ea (thrush) and paoao (childhood disease, with physical weakening).EtymologyThe genus name Sporobolus is derived from the Greek sporos, seed, and ballein, to throw, in reference to the fruit (the pericarp) which swells and bursts when soaked, thus pushing out or dropping the seed. Dropseed is a vernacular name for this grass.The specific epithet virginicus has reference to "from the Virgin Islands, Virginian."
Akiaki or Beach dropseedPoaceae (Gramineae)Indigenous to the Hawaiian IslandsMaui (Cultivated)The leaves, culms and roots were used medicinally. The plant was mixed with other ingredients and used to treat ea (thrush) and paoao (childhood disease, with physical weakening).EtymologyThe genus name Sporobolus is derived from the Greek sporos, seed, and ballein, to throw, in reference to the fruit (the pericarp) which swells and bursts when soaked, thus pushing out or dropping the seed. Dropseed is a vernacular name for this grass.The specific epithet virginicus has reference to "from the Virgin Islands, Virginian."NPH00003
Akiaki or Beach dropseedPoaceae (Gramineae)Indigenous to the Hawaiian IslandsBarbers Point, OahuThe leaves, culms and roots were used medicinally. The plant was mixed with other ingredients and used to treat ea (thrush) and paoao (childhood disease, with physical weakening).EtymologyThe genus name Sporobolus is derived from the Greek sporos, seed, and ballein, to throw, in reference to the fruit (the pericarp) which swells and bursts when soaked, thus pushing out or dropping the seed. Dropseed is a vernacular name for this grass.The specific epithet virginicus has reference to "from the Virgin Islands, Virginian."
A coastal grass listed as rare in the Threatened Species Protection Act Tasmania.
Akiaki or Beach dropseedPoaceae (Gramineae)Indigenous to the Hawaiian IslandsMaui (Cultivated)The leaves, culms and roots were used medicinally. The plant was mixed with other ingredients and used to treat ea (thrush) and paoao (childhood disease, with physical weakening).EtymologyThe genus name Sporobolus is derived from the Greek sporos, seed, and ballein, to throw, in reference to the fruit (the pericarp) which swells and bursts when soaked, thus pushing out or dropping the seed. Dropseed is a vernacular name for this grass.The specific epithet virginicus has reference to "from the Virgin Islands, Virginian."NPH00001
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Akiaki or Beach dropseedPoaceae (Gramineae)Indigenous to the Hawaiian IslandsMaui (Cultivated)The leaves, culms and roots were used medicinally. The plant was mixed with other ingredients and used to treat ea (thrush) and paoao (childhood disease, with physical weakening).EtymologyThe genus name Sporobolus is derived from the Greek sporos, seed, and ballein, to throw, in reference to the fruit (the pericarp) which swells and bursts when soaked, thus pushing out or dropping the seed. Dropseed is a vernacular name for this grass.The specific epithet virginicus has reference to "from the Virgin Islands, Virginian."
Orinda, California, United States
Ascension, St Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Ascension, St Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
California, United States
Oro Valley Papaz ProjectOro Valley, Arizona32.370556-111.012333
California, United States
Oro Valley Papaz ProjectOro Valley, Arizona32.370556-111.012333
Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) A. Gray .January 5, 2012, Olympus Hills Park, Salt Lake County, Utah
Oro Valley Papaz ProjectOro Valley, Arizona32.370556-111.012333