Hawaiian name: Pilo, pilo hupiloEnglish name: Maui mirrorplantRubiaceae (Coffee family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands: Oahu (Kaala, Waianae Mts.), east Molokai, Lnai, Maui, HawaiiKaala Natural Area Reserve, OahuGreen fruits shown hereFoliage
www.flickr.com/photos/dweickhoff/19798625300/in/photolist...There are 13 Coposma sp., all endemic, in the Hawaiian Islands. This species is the most variable of the Coprosma spp. in the islands.Berries of pilo were used as a laxative by early Hawaiians.EtymologyThe generic name is from the Greek kopros, dung, and osme, smell, referring to the dung-like or rotten cabbage smell (methanethiol) given off when the leaves of some species are crushed.The specific epithet from the Greek ochracea, yellowish, perhaps referring to its ochre-colored or yellowish ripe fruits in some varieties.