Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Miscanthus sinensis Anderss. Oefv. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Forh
1855: 166. 1855.
Saccharum poly dacty Ion P Thunb. Fl. Jap. 43. 1784.
Saccharum japonicum Thunb. Trans. £inn. Soc. 2 : 328, in part. 1794.
Erianthus japonicus Beauv.; R. & S. Syst. Veg. 2 : 324, in part. 1817.
Riptdium japonicum Trin. Fund. Agrost. 169. in part. 1820.
Eulalia japonica Trin. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb, VI. 2 : 333, in part. 1832.
Stems 1-2 m. tall; leaf-blades up to 8 dm. long and 1.5 cm. wide; panicle 2-4dm. long, its branches erect or ascending ; spikelets 4.5-5 mm. long, yellowish-brown, shining, glabrous, encircled at the base with white or purplish hairs equaling or exceeding them, the awn 8-10 mm. long, spirally twisted at the base.
Type locality : China.
Distribution: Escaped from cultivation in Florida, and at Washington, D. C; a native of China, Japan, and the Celebes.
- bibliographic citation
- Percy Wilson, Per Axel Rydberg, Norman Taylor, Nathaniel Lord Britton, John Kunkel Small, George Valentine Nash. 1909. PANDANALES-POALES; TYPHACEAE, SPARGANACEAE, ELODEACEAE, HYDROCHARITACEAE, ZANNICHELLIACEAE, ZOSTERACEAE, CYMODOCEACEAE, NAIADACEAE, LILAEACEAE, SCHEUCHZERIACEAE, ALISMACEAE, BUTOMACEAE, POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY