
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Eriocaulon seemannii Moldenke, sp. nov
Stems very short; leaves olivaceous, tufted, spreading or recurved, linear-lanceolate, 2.3-6 cm. long, 2.5-3 mm. wide at the middle, very thin-membranous or subpellucid, subulateacute or acuminate at apex (the tip itself bltmtish), fenestrately 5-7-nerved (the fenestrations very conspicuous on both surfaces), glabrate; peduncles aggregate, very numerous, 19 40, slender, olivaceous, 4-9.5 cm. long, 3-costate, glabrous; sheaths louse, 1.5 I cm long, rather obscurely striate and fenestrate, bilobed at apex, the blades short and sharply acute, scariousmargined; heads dark-gray, hemispheric or globose, 2. 5-4 mm. in diameter, slight lv compressed in drying; involucral bractlets light-brown, broadly elliptic, acute, glabrous; receptacle long pilose; receptacular bractlets light brown (or hyaline at base), spatulate, acute or acuminate, sparsely pubescent on the back; staminate florets: pedicellate; sepals 2, lighl brown toward
apex, hyaline below, oblong or subobovate, concave, blunt isli ; petal tube pale -.trai eons, its
lobes very minute; anthers -4, black, roundish; pistillate florets: short-pedicellate; sepals 2, brown, spatulate, navicular, subacute, broadly winged-carinate at the middle, not crested, sparsely pilose at apex; petals 2, pale-stramineous, unequal, obovate, blunt, not notched, glabrous; ovary long-stalked, 2-ovulate; style shorter than the ovary; stigmas 2, longer than the ovary.
Caule perbrevi; capitulis laxis glabratis non elongatis; bracteis involucri sordidis late elliptieis acutis; floribus dimeris; floris cf 1 sepalis oblongis vel subobovatis; tloris 9 sepalis spathulatis, petalis integris.
Type collected in meadows near Panama Citv, Canal Zone, Panama, />. C. Seemann 295 (herb. Kew).
Distribution: Known only from the type collection.
bibliographic citation
Albert Charles Smith, Harold Norman Moldenke, Edward Johnston Alexander. 1937. XYRIDALES. North American flora. vol 19(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora