Hurd, Emerencia G. Hurd, E.G., N.L. Shaw, J. Mastrogiuseppe, L.C. Smithman, and S. Goodrich. Provided by USDA Forest Service RMRS Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab.
Hurd, Emerencia G. Hurd, E.G., N.L. Shaw, J. Mastrogiuseppe, L.C. Smithman, and S. Goodrich. Provided by USDA Forest Service RMRS Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab.
Description: English: Location taken: United States Botanic Garden, Washington D.C. Names: Carex vulpinoidea Michx., american fox sedge, brown fox sedge, carex faux vulpin, carex vulpinoïde, Common Fox Sedge, Fox Sedge, Fuchsähnlige Segge, laiche fausse laiche des renards, ribbelzegg Classification: Plantae > Magnoliophyta > Liliopsida > Poales > Cyperaceae > Carex >Carex vulpinoidea. Date: 2 October 2006. Source: source: David Stang. First published at Author: Photo by David J. Stang.