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Glomerate Sedge

Carex aggregata Mack.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Carex aggregata Mackenzie, Bull. Torrey Club 37: 246. 1910
Carex agglomrrata Mackenzie. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 442. 1906. (Type from Missouri.) Not
C. agglomerata C. B. Clarke, 1903.
Rootstocks lignescent but rather slender, conspicuously short-creeping, brownish or
blackish, fibrillose. the culms 4 10 dm. high, erect, ascending, or even decumbent, usually
considerably exceeding the leaves, sharply triangular, smooth below, slightly rough immediately
Ith the bead, light-lirownisli-tinged at base; leaves regularly and evenly distributed on
the lower part of the culm and not chiefly tufted near the base, the blades Hat. light-green,
• it, is dm. Ion/. 3 6 mm wide, smooth towards the base, roughened towards tinapex
and on the margins; sheaths conspicuously green-. in.l-wliite-iiio ttll id and Septate -nodulose
I , whitened but not es ily brolo n vi rurally, usually not transversely rugulose, concave,
d and thickened al mouth, the ligule widi i thou long, nol dark-margined;
in a terminal head 2 5 5 cm. long, 10 mm thick, the Iowa
rate and the upper closely aggregated, the few inconspicuou lUminati
Bowers terminal and the { 15 aacendio ia bekw brad iwl-
shaped, don ually conspicu horter than the head,
i,„ t r, tt ,, (mall, i inn. greenish-hyaline with a green midrib,
acun,.,: • iboul the length of the bodic ol the perigynia, but omewhat nai rower; perigynia plano-convex, ovate, sharp-edged to base and serrulate to the middle, deep-green, 3.25-4.5 mm. long, about 2 mm. wide, membranaceous, flat ventrally, sessile, round-truncate at base, nerveless ventrally, obscurely few-nerved dorsally, tapering into a serrulate beak about half the length of the body, bidentate, the teeth sharp, erect, whitehyaline within, the sutures on both sides conspicuous; achenes lenticular, oblong-orbicular, 2 mm. long, very short-stipitate, minutely apiculate: style slender, straight, jointed with achene, slightly thickened at base; stigmas two, reddish-brown, slender, elongate.
Type locality (of C. agglomerata Mackenzie, on which C. aggregata is based) : Courtney, Jackson County, Missouri (B. F. Bush 1718).
Distribution: Rich woods in calcareous districts, western New Jersey to District of Columbia, and westward to Kansas and Oklahoma. (Specimens examined from western New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma.)
bibliographic citation
Kenneth Kent Mackenzie. 1931. (POALES); CYPERACEAE; CARICEAE. North American flora. vol 18(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
visit source
partner site
North American Flora