More info for the terms:
fuelSaw palmetto is a pest and fire hazard in Southern timber stands. It
contributes large amounts of combustible fuel to forest understories and
competes with pines (Pinus spp.) for moisture, nutrients, and space
Silvicultural and range management objectives often call for
saw palmetto control. Centuries of open range, abusive burning, and
excessive grazing have converted many flatwood-bluestem (Andropogon
spp.) ranges into flatwood-saw palmetto ranges [
18]. Saw palmetto
control releases palatable grasses and forbs for livestock and deer, and
reduces competition with conifers [
13]. Mist-blower applications of the
herbicide 2,4,5-T provide effective control [
23], especially when
used in conjunction with prescribed burning [
3] or other defoliation
treatments [
23]. Following defoliation by fire or mechanical treatment,
saw palmetto should be sprayed when new shoots appear (approximately 6
months later) [
Saw palmetto does not regenerate well following mechanical removal [
Mechanical disturbance which dislodges, uproots, and cuts saw palmetto
stems and rhizomes provides effective control [
19]. Roller-drum
choppers pulled in tandem at offset angles [
13] or perpendicular to each
other [
28] may reduce saw palmetto cover by 90 percent 2 years after
treatment [
13]. Chop-rest-chop rotations provide continued range
maintenance [
When wildlife or cover management goals require saw palmetto
enhancement, use rock phosphate fertilizer [
28] or site drainage [
40] to
increase cover.