When populations of greater stick-nest rats first began to decline in 1860, it was believed to be due to habitat destruction and the removal of food sources by large flocks of sheep. This was shortly followed by the drought of 1864-65, after which no greater stick-nest rats were recorded within their natural habitat. Though all current populations of greater stick-nest rats are heavily monitored and live in managed habitats, threats to the population still exist. Some of the threats include introduced feral predators, extensive fire, disease, and severe drought, but predation by native predators remains the largest threat. On the Franklin Islands, greater stick-nest rats make up 91% of barn owls' diets and are also heavily predated by black tiger snakes. On St. Peters Island, the main predators include extant population of black tiger snakes and sand goannas. On the mainland, dingos present the largest threat.
Known Predators:
Greater stick-nest rats have fluffy yellowish-brown to grey fur. Their bellies are cream colored and their hind feet have distinctive white markings on the upper surfaces. Greater stick-nest rat bodies are compact and accessorized with large ears and a blunt nose. Their incisors are continually growing, which allows them to consume hard seeds and carry sticks for nest building. Greater stick-nest rats can get up to 26 cm long and weigh up to 450 g. The average weight for both male and female adults is 300 g and the average weight for both male and female sub adults is less than 150 g.
Range mass: 450 (high) g.
Average mass: 300 g.
Range length: 26 (high) cm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike
Greater stick-nest rats may live up to five years.
Range lifespan
Status: wild: 5 (high) years.
Greater stick-nest rats prefer dune and dune base habitats in which large communal nests are constructed out of interwoven sticks, stones, straw, leaves, flowers, bones, and scats. Among eight rats monitored for eight months during a reintroduction trial within the Roxby Downs Arid Reserve in Australia, shelters were built mostly in dead Umbrella Wattle (Acacia ligulata) or Narrow-leafed Hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa) shrubs covered in low vegetation. The wild population of greater stick-nest rats on the Franklin Islands use dense shrubs as well as Short-tailed shearwater nests (Puffinus tenuriostris) for their nests. In addition to shrubbery, the rats may use rock crevices for shelter. No matter the material used, cover from predators, especially those that hunt prey from the sky, is a important requirement of the rat’s habitat. On the interior of these nests, the rats create chambers lined with fine sticks and stripped bark that form a series of tunnels that radiate from a central chamber.
Shelters can be built both above and underground, the latter of which typically contain more than one entrance covered with piles of sticks. The above ground shelters measure less than 80 cm in diameter and 50 cm in height. Most of the nest building seems to be done by the adult female. Greater stick-nest rats have also been observed utilizing underground burrows of other species. These large nests are communal and inhabited over multiple successive generations. In captivity, these nests have been documented to house anywhere from 10 to 20 individuals at one time and consist of one adult female, a few of her litters, and usually one adult male. The adult female can often display aggression towards the male, however, in which case the male will often seek shelter away from the main group. While more than one litter may reside in the den at one time, the young generally do not stick around after the next litter is born. If an adult female is seen with an older young, however, it is most likely a female offspring. In some re-introduced populations on offshore islands, female rats may occupy small, relatively stable den areas, while the male rats occupy a wider range of den sites.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: desert or dune
Greater stick-nest rats (Leporillus conditor) once occupied most of the southern arid and semi-arid regions of southern Australia including the local mountain ranges. Though greater stick-nest rats are widely distributed across this region, its distribution is patchy as a result of the patchy distribution of its preferred diet of perennial, semi-succulent shrubs. Between 1860 and 1930, the geographic range of greater stick-nest rats declined drastically due to the die-off of mainland populations of the species. Eventually only two small, isolated populations remained on the East and West Franklin Islands in the Nuyt’s Archipelago off the coast of Southern Australia. In 1860, the first populations disappeared around the area of the Murray-Darling confluence and in the Flinders Ranges region. The die-off then spread, moving from east to west and from south to north. Only 1000 rats on the East and West Franklin Islands are estimated to have survived the 70 year period, limiting the species' current range.
Biogeographic Regions: australian (Introduced , Native )
Other Geographic Terms: island endemic
Greater stick-nest rats have large ears and a fluffy coat, giving it a rabbit-like appearance leading early European colonists to call it a rabbit-rat. Greater stick-nest rats were once hunted for sport and considered easy prey. Early explorers and native hunters have documented setting the rat’s nests on fire or strategically pulling them apart. As the rats would flee from their nests to escape the attack. Tthey would either be captured by Aborigine dogs or hit with sticks and later eaten. Greater stick-nest rats are the last surviving species from its genus.
Little is known about greater stick-nest rats communications and perceptions.
Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical
Beginning in the mid-1980’s, a captive breeding and reintroduction program was started using the two native populations of greater stick-nest rats on the Franklin Islands. In 1997, 8 rats were reintroduced within the Arid Recovery Reserve north of Roxby Downs in northern South Australia. In April 1999, these same eight rats bred and the trial was considered a success. In addition to the Arid Recovery Reserve in Roxby Downs, reintroduced populations of greater stick-nest rats currently reside on Salutation Island, Heirisson Prong (Western Australia), St. Peter Island, Reevesby Island, Venus Bay Conservation Park (South Australia), and The Scotia Sanctuary (New South Wales). Numerous attempts to reintroduce greater stick-nest rats to their native range on the mainland of Australia have been recorded and failed due to predation by native and introduced predators. Causes thought to have triggered the massive decline of greater stick-nest rat populations include severe drought, habitat destruction from introduced domestic stock and European rabbits, and predation by native and introduced predators (e.g. barn owls, feral cats, and foxes).
Existing conservation plans include the Threat Abatement Plan for Predation by European Red Fox and the Arid Recovery Initiative, which facilitates the monitoring and continued research on Greater stick-nest rat populations reintroduced at the reserve in Roxby Downs.
US Federal List: endangered
CITES: appendix i
State of Michigan List: no special status
Little is known of the negative economic importance that greater stick-nest rats have to humans.
Greater stick-nest rats are a widely accepted candidate species for studying the genetic changes that occur within reintroduced animal populations. Twelve polymorphic loci have been isolated and characterized from greater stick-nest rats. These loci are being used to widen our understanding of population genetics and, more specifically, the genetic differences between captive and reintroduced populations. The conclusions drawn from studying this candidate species may be applied to explain the genetics of other captive and reintroduced populations.
Positive Impacts: research and education
Certain chenopod plant species may become less abundant in the presence of greater stick-nest rats due to their light, but continuous grazing. Also, greater stick-nest rats prefer some female plants to male plants of Atriplex vesicaria) due to a difference in water content, thus skewing the proportion of male to female plants within a population. However, during the eight month monitoring period within the Arid Reserve in Roxby Downs, no plant mortality was observed in any plant species that was grazed upon by the eight resident rats.
Greater stick-nest rats residing in captivity have a widely varied diet of foliage, flowers, seeds, and fruits from a diverse range of arid zone plant species. The leaves and shoots of succulent and semi-succulent shrubs seem to be preferred by the animals. Chenopod and other plant species that contain large amounts of water are also strongly preferred. Specifically, rats in captivity mainly consume common perennial dune species such as bladder saltbush (Atriplex vesicaria), ruby saltbush (Enchylaena tomentosa) and Sturt’s pigface (Gunniopsis quadrifida), the latter being the most heavily browsed. Gunniopsis quadrifida and Calandrinia remota are also commonly grazed upon due to their high water content. On the Franklin Islands, the diet of greater stick-nest rats consist almost entirely of leaves and fruits from succulent plants including Rhagodia crassifolia, Nitraria billardierei, Carpobrotus rossii and Tetragonia implexicoma, as well as a small percentage of grasses.
Greater stick-nest rats are not heavy grazers, typically eating small amounts of tissue from an individual plant at one time, most often at the tips of leaves. In captivity, rats spend much of their time foraging on top of and at the bases of the dunes. They were rarely seen wandering further than 150 m from daytime shelter sites. They most typically forage when they are covered by surrounding brush and normal nocturnal activity was seen in adult males that seemed to be loosely aimed towards foraging efforts. Greater stick-nest rats have been known to be quite resourceful and flexible in their foraging strategies, climbing bushes and pulling down branches to reach the youngest and ripest parts of the plant and rummaging through leaf litter to pick out seeds.
Plant Foods: leaves; wood, bark, or stems; fruit; flowers
Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore , Frugivore )
Greater stick-nest rats mate opportunistically. One study monitored eight rats within the Arid Reserve in Roxby Downs, in which all males were frequently seen following and trying to mate with the same single adult female. Little other information exists on the mating systems of greater stick-nest rats; however old world rats and mice tend to have polyandrous mating systems.
The litter sizes of greater stick-nest rats greatly depends on whether the individual lives in the wild or in captivity. In the wild, they typically give birth to one to two young, whereas in captivity they have upwards of four. The oestrous cycle is 14 days but seems to be very irregular. Based on data collected from only one male greater stick-nest rat, the testes/body mass percentage is 2.14 g and the sperm length is 91 micrometers.
Breeding interval: Greater stick-nest rat populations on the Franklin Islands breed year round.
Range number of offspring: 4 (high) .
Average gestation period: 44 days.
Range weaning age: 30 to 40 days.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 8 months.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 8 months.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous
Greater stick-nest rat young are born in the nest and are carried around firmly attached to the mother’s teats. The young grow quickly and at two months of age they are up and on their own feet--though they will still get an occasional ride from the mother. As the young grow older, they are carried around less and become more independent.
Parental Investment: female parental care ; pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)
The greater stick-nest rat, also known as the house-building rat[4] and wopilkara[5] (Leporillus conditor) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae. They are about the size of a small rabbit and construct large nests of interwoven sticks. Once widespread across southern Australia, the population was reduced after European colonisation to a remnant outpost on South Australia's Franklin Islands. The species has since been reintroduced to a series of protected and monitored areas, with varying levels of success.[6]
A description of the species was given in a report of the explorer Charles Sturt, and published in 1848.[3][7] The species was placed as genus Mus, and later assigned to Leporillus, and so allied to the murid family of rodents. The type was collected in vegetation on the Darling River, around 45 miles from Laidley Ponds, the disposition of this specimen is unknown.[7]
The species has a broad and short head, with wide and rounded ears. The length of the head and body combined in 190 to 260 millimetres, and a tail noticeably shorter than that, measuring from 148 to 180 mm. The weight ranges from 190 to 450 grams. The pelage is a uniform grey-brown colour at the upper-side, the buff to grey beneath is paler and the two colours blend where they meet. The visible parts of the foot are whitish at the inside and greyish brown at the outside, this is from 42 to 48 mm in length. The female possesses four teats, two pairs at the inguinal region.[8]
The behavioural description is of a passive and gentle species, largely active at night, with a herbivorous diet largely composed of succulent leaves. The 'nest' of L. conditor is sited at a cave, rocky outcrop or over a shrub, the construction reaching a metre in height and around two metres in width. The larger part of the nest is tightly woven from sticks, the inner part is built from softer grassy material.[8]
Ownership of nests appears typically to be passed down through relatively sedentary, genetically-related female lines, with males typically distributing throughout the landscape at sexual maturity.[9]
Mainland populations were reported in historical accounts to prefer building nests over slight depressions in the ground or above the burrows of other animals, which were used as escape routes. Some animals were known to weight their nests with small rocks.[10][11][12] Nests were reported to be strong and secure enough to repel dingos and other predators.[12]
Breeding may occur throughout the year, although most often recorded during the austral spring, April to May, and they produce a litter of between one and four young.[8]
The species' natural habitat is dry savanna, with perennial shrubland, especially of succulent and semi-succulent plant species including the chenopod and pig-face genera.[13]
It was formerly widespread in semi-arid habitat on the mainland,[14] where the soils were shallow with calcareous underlying strata.[15] Before the sharp decline in population in the late nineteenth century, the species was found south of a line from Shark Bay to the meeting of the rivers at the Murray–Darling basin and above the 28° southern latitude.
The drastic reduction in the range of this mammal is associated with the collapse of mammalian fauna in Australia between about 1875 and 1925, which is often linked to the decline of aboriginal land management and burning practices, widespread land clearance and agriculture, the introduction of foreign grazing animals including sheep, cattle and rabbits, and invasions by exotic predators like the European red fox and feral cats. The susceptibility of this species to a theorised epizootic event, an unidentified disease spreading from Western Australia, was estimated to be high in modelling of mammal's relative immunity.[16]
The drastic contraction of the distribution range continued until the species could only be found on the Franklin Islands in the Nuyts Archipelago, and from this population the species was reintroduced to protected areas on the mainland and other islands.[8] There are now introduced or reintroduced populations on St Peter Island in the Nuyts Archipelago, Reevesby Island, Salutation Island, and at Arid Recovery, a fenced reserve at Roxby Downs in South Australia.[17]
The longterm success of a series of translocations to the fenced Mount Gibson Sanctuary in Western Australia is as yet undetermined,[6] while reintroduction attempts began at a fenced landscape within NSW's Mallee Cliffs National Park in September 2020.[18] The species was reintroduced to Dirk Hartog Island in May 2021, with early monitoring suggesting ongoing survival.[19][20][21]
Only 40 per cent of reintroduction attempts for the species have been considered successful.[22] Attempts to reintroduce the species failed at Faure Island and Heirisson Prong in Western Australia, at Yookamurra Sanctuary and Venus Bay Conservation Park in South Australia, and at Scotia Sanctuary in NSW.[6] Most failures were blamed on inadequate habitat or release protocols, or excessive predation.[6]
The species is scheduled be translocated to a fenced landscape in NSW's Sturt National Park.[23]
It is currently being bred in captivity at Monarto Safari Park and Adelaide Zoo, with progeny provided to reintroduction projects.[24] Individuals from a captive population at Taronga Zoological Park have been used in research to improve the knowledge of health data of those in captivity.[25]
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) The greater stick-nest rat, also known as the house-building rat and wopilkara (Leporillus conditor) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae. They are about the size of a small rabbit and construct large nests of interwoven sticks. Once widespread across southern Australia, the population was reduced after European colonisation to a remnant outpost on South Australia's Franklin Islands. The species has since been reintroduced to a series of protected and monitored areas, with varying levels of success.