Description: English: Northern Crab Spider - Mecaphesa asperata, Julie Metz Wetlands, Woodbridge, Virginia. I'm not sure if the spider is aware that there is an insect (potential prey) lurking in the background. Date: 14 September 2015, 15:49:36. Source: Author: Judy Gallagher.
Description: English: Sub-adult female Mecaphesa asperata (Hentz, 1847) (Syn.: Misumenops asperatus) taken in low-light conditions. Diagnosic trichobothria can be seen on the legs and carapace. Abdomen markings (though blurry) are noted in the lateral red-brown coloration. Date: 21 February 2013, 13:03:49. Source: Own work. Author: AlaskaDave.
Description: English: Northern Crab Spider - Mecaphesa asperata, Julie Metz Wetlands, Woodbridge, Virginia The way the spider's colors exactly match the leaf is amazing. Date: 24 September 2013, 16:59:11. Source: Author: Judy Gallagher.
Description: English: Yarrow - Achillea millefolium with Northern Crab Spider - Mecaphesa asperata, Merrimac Farm Wildlife Management Area, Aden, Virginia. trying not to be seen. Is anyone out there old enough to remember a Monty Python skit by that name?. Date: 10 June 2014, 06:22:11. Source: Author: Judy Gallagher.
Description: English: Northern Crab Spider with prey - Mecaphesa asperata, Meadowood Farm SRMA, Mason Neck, Virginia. This spider is having ant for lunch, but it may be followed by aphid for dessert. Date: 26 September 2014, 05:08:06. Source: Author: Judy Gallagher.
Description: English: Northern Crab Spider - Mecaphesa asperata, Meadowwood Farm SRMA, Mason Neck, Virginia. I'm always amazed when I see a spider with prey that is several times larger than itself. The fly will make a huge meal for the spider. Date: 22 July 2013, 16:36:37. Source: Author: Judy Gallagher.