You don't see a lot of color illustrations of flies in the classic natural history literature, so I was pleased to find this one, from
The families and genera of North American Diptera, by
Charles H. Curran (1894-1972). This is the one color plate, following page 20 (
Biodiversity Heritage Library link ). BHL indicates this work appears to be out of copyright. The artist "Adolph Klein", is obscure, but a few Internet searches show that he was active in New York City in the 1930's and did some other zoological illustrations. I cleaned up some printing errors in this illustration, adjusted the background a bit, descreened, and downsampled it.left column
Sphecomyia vittata Wied.(Syrphidae)
Aloipha cingulata Schiner. (Stratiomyidae) =
Merosargus cingulatus (apparently!)
Dejeania vexatris O. S. (Tachinidae) =
Adejeania vexatrixmiddle column
Hyperalonia hela Erichs (Bombyliidae) =
Ligyra hela (Erichson, 1848)
Mydas clavatus Fabr. (Mydaidae)
Tabanus cinctus Drury. (Tabanidae) =
Hybomitra cincta right column
Richardia telescopica Gerst. (Otitidae)
Michogaster niger Schm. (Otitidae)
Didea fuscipes Macq. (Syrphidae)