Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 68.Distribution of Polytrichophora rostra sp. n.
Ante Vujić, Snežana Radenković, Sonja Trifunov, Tijana Nikolić
Figure 11.Cheilosia barbafacies sp. n., antennae, lateral view: A male B female. Scale in mm.
Magdi S. El-Hawagry, Mohammed W. Khalil, Mostafa R. Sharaf, Hassan H. Fadl, Abdulrahman S. Aldawood
Figure 3.Male genitalia of Anthrax alruqibi El-Hawagrysp. n.
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 35−38.Third instar and puparium of Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 35 last segment bearing posterior spiracle in posterior view 36 last segment bearing posterior spiracle in lateral view 37 posterior spiracles in posterior view 38 puparium in dorsal view.
Mírian N. Morales, Gunilla Ståhls, Heikki Hippa
Figures 9–15.Meropidia flavens Hippa & Ståhls, sp. n., Holotype 9 head, anterior view 10 head, lateral vie 11 habitus dorsa 12 habitus lateral 13–15 labels.
Yan Li, Mengqing Wang, Ding Yang
Figure 1.Ocydromia shanxiensis sp. n., male adult. Scale bar 1 mm.
Figures 27–28.Left lateral views of Paraberismyia tzontehuitza Woodley. 27 Male (holotype) 28 Female (paratype).
Viviane Rodrigues de Sousa, Márcia Souto Couri
Figures 3–7.Male terminalia of Japanagromyza inferna Spencer 3 sternite 5 4 epandrium, cercal plate and surstylus 5 hypandrium 6 phallapodeme, hypandrium, phallus 7 ejaculatory apodeme.
Omar Ávalos-Hernández, Joel Kits, Marysol Trujano-Ortega, Uri Omar García-Vázquez, Zenón Cano-Santana
Figure 5.Lordotus. Lordotus diplasus, a female (CNIN 774) dorsal view b male (CNIN 861) dorsal view c Lordotus divisus, male (CNIN 777) dorsal view; Lordotus perplexus, female (CNIN 801) d dorsal view e lateral view. All scale bars: 3 mm.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 16.Lateral view of male scutum. A Melanostoma mellinum and B Melanostoma certum.
Figure 3.Acupalpa spp.: A Acupalpa notomelas sp. n., epandrium dorsal B gonocoxites, ventral C Acupalpa imitans (White), comb. n., gonocoxite, lateral D same, aedeagus, lateral E Acupalpa rostrata Kröber aedeagus, lateral F Acupalpa imitans, gonocoxites, epandrium removed and aedeagus in situ, dorsal G Acupalpa rostrata, female spermathecal sac complex, dorsal H Acupalpa melanophaeos sp. n., female head, lateral I Acupalpa rostrata, male head, anterolateral. Abbreviations: ag accessory gland c cercus d distiphallus da dorsal apodeme of parameral sheath ea ejaculatory apodeme f furca ga gonocoxal apodeme gp (articulated) gonocoxal process gs gonostylus gx gonocoxite h hypandriumgp gonocoxal process (articulated) lea lateral ejaculatory apodeme s spermatheca ss spermathecal sac ssd spermathecal sac duct va ventral apodeme of parameral sheath v velutum patch vl ventral lobe. Scale lines = 0.2 mm.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Mols Bjerge, Denmark
Have Randers
Knudshoved Odde
Iriomote-jima, Japan
Nørreskov, Midtsjælland
Nørreskov ved Bjæverskov, Denmark