Image of <i>Nesomyrmex vannoorti</i> Mbanyana & Robertson

Nesomyrmex vannoorti Mbanyana & Robertson

Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Fig. 3j -l

Description of worker

Holotype. HL 0.669, HW 0.521, HW1 0.561, CI 78, SL 0.441, SI 85, PW 0.382, ML 0.818, EL 0.197 EI 38.

Mandibles with longitudinal striations. Clypeus with longitudinal striations, with central and posterior region of median portion smooth to faintly reticulate. Anterior clypeal margin evenly convex and with a projecting translucent lamella medially. Large eyes with 16 ommatidia in the longest row. Scapes of moderate length (SI 85). Head in full face-view hind margin shallowly convex. Promesonotum in profile evenly convex and metanotal groove conspicuously impressed.Propodeumunarmed;forminganevenconvexity with declivity. Anterior peduncle with a small tooth-like subpetiolar process. Petiolar node in profile evenly convex; posterior to the node is a moderately broad cylindrical portionof the petiole. Postpetiole inprofile low and rounded. Dorsumofhead with faint reticulate pattern and faint longitudinal striations between the eyes and behind the antennal insertions. Promesonotum finely reticulate, propodeal dorsum reticulate-punctate. Petiolar node and postpetiole finely reticulate pattern. First gastral tergite with a very short basal costulae and the rest of the tergite smooth and shining. Dorsum of head with short erect hairs mostly concentrated along two longitudinal lines. The venter of head with five straight hairs and two curved hairs. Promesonotal dorsum with at least four pairs of short, erect hairs, acute apically. Propodeum with two pairs of erect hairs, petiolar node with two pairs of suberect acute hairs apically and postpetiole with two pairs of suberect hairs. Regularly spaced suberect hairs on the gastral tergite and sternite. Head and gaster dark brown, with mesosoma and nodes light brown in colour.

Paratypes. HL 0.620-0.698, HW 0.462-0.582, HW1 0.502-0.610, CI 75-81, SL 0.398-0.492, SI 80-93, PW 0.352-0.423, ML 0.751-0.944, EL 0.177-0.236, EI33-42 (22 of 45 measured).

Same as holotype except the following differences: Mandibles either with longitudinal striations or smooth and shining. Dorsum of head smooth or with faint reticulate pattern between the eyes; fine longitudinal striations between the eyes and behind the antennal insertions present. Promesonotum either finely reticulate, or smooth and shining, with a fine, barely evident, inlaid reticulate pattern. The venter of head with 3-5 long hairs. Promesonotal dorsum with 3-4 pairs of short suberect hairs. Base of first gastral tergite either with or without costulae. Colour either uniformly medium brown or head and gaster dark brown, with mesosoma and nodes light brown.

Nesomyrmex vannoorti is similar-looking to N. ruani , N. nanniae and N. entabeni . In all of them the unarmed propodeum formsaneven convexityandcolourismedium to dark brown. It is distinguished from the three latter species by having hairs on the propodeum.


Specimens were collected from pitfall traps, yellow pan traps and from sweeping in Nama-Karoo on dolerite soils and from Ruschia spinisa/Eriocephalis veld.


Named after our colleague Dr Simon van Noort who is a Curator of Entomology at Iziko South African Museum and who collected the holotype.

Material examined

Holotype: South Africa: Western Cape: Avondale farm, 32°15.00'S 22°56.60'E, 19 April 2001, S. van Noort, BW01-A1-S82, SAM-HYM-C019103

Paratypes: South Africa: Western Cape: Avondale farm, 32°15.00'S 22°56.60'E, 22-29 April 2001, H.G. Robertson& R Tourle, BW01-A1-P09, SAM-HYM-C019093; Avondale farm, 32°15.00'S 22°56.60'E, 22-29 April 2001, S. vanNoort&D.Larsen,BW01-A1-Y95, SAM-HYM-C019095; Avondale farm, 32°13.33'S 22°57.53'E, 22-29 April 2001, H.G. Robertson & R. Tourle, BW01-A3-P08, SAM-HYM-C 019096; Avondale farm, 32°14.31'S 22°58.59'E, 22-29 April 2001, H.G. Robertson & R. Tourle, BW01-A4-P07, SAM-HYM-C019098; Avondalefarm,32°14.31'S22°58.59'E, 22-29 April 2001, H.G. Robertson & R. Tourle, BW01-A4-P09, SAM-HYM-C019098; Avondale farm, 32°15.00'S 22°56.60'E, 22-29 April 2001, H.G. Robertson & R. Tourle, BW01-A1-P09, SAM-HYM-C019093; Avondale farm, 32°14.31'S 22°58.59'E, 22-29 April 2001, S. van Noort & D. Larsen, BW01-A4-Y107, SAM-HYM-C019106; Avondale farm 32°14.31'S 22°58.59'E, 22-29 April 2001, H.G. Robertson & R. Tourle, BW01-A4-P02, SAM-HYM-C 019097; Avondale farm, 32°14.31'S 22°58.59'E, 22-29 April 2001, S. van Noort & D. Larsen, BW01-A4-Y103, SAM-HYM-C 019107; Tierberg near Prince Albert, 33°10'0"S 22°16'0"E, 12 September 1995, H. Adie, Ref. no. 094, SAM-HYM-C008454; Tierberg near Prince Albert, 33°10'0"S 22°16'0"E, 11 September 1995, H. Adie, SAM-HYM-C008785.

Other material

South Africa: Western Cape: Elandsfontein farm, Site E1, 32°17.69'S 22°55.53'E, Nama-Karoo on dolerite soils, Sweep, 21 April 2001, S. van Noort, BW01-E1S155, SAM-HYM-CO19102; Kamferskraal farm, Site K3, 32°13.83'S 22°58.59'E, Nama-Karoo on dolerite soils, Pitfall, 22-29 April 2001, H.G. Robertson & R. Tourle, BW01-K3-P06, SAM-HYM-C019101; Bleakhouse farm, Site B3, 32°15.41'S 22°54.93'E, Nama-Karoo on dolerite, Yellow pan trap, 21-28 April 2001, S. van Noort & D. Larsen, BW01-B3-Y73, SAM-HYM-C019105; 33 km from Seekoegat on Prince Albert road, 33°10'S 22°14'E, 10-19 October 1996, T.E. Tshiguvho, SAM-HYM-C009365; 10 km from Prince Albert on Leeu Gamka road, 33°07'S 22°02'E, 10-19 October 1996, T.E. Tshiguvho, SAM-HYM-9354; Northern Cape: Kortkop farm near Strydenburg, 30°09'S 23°44'E, Karoo vegetation, ex pitfall trap, 17 June 1995, B. Chambers, SAM-HYM-C008766; Merriman Station between Richmond and Britstown, 31°11'S 23°34'E, collected in the Karoo, March 2007, F. Duncan, PP1#2, SAM-HYM-C019585.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Mbanyana, N., 2008, Review of the ant genus Nesomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in southern Africa., African Natural History, pp. 35-55, vol. 4
Mbanyana, N.
visit source
partner site
Plazi (legacy text)