Tadpole 7 days post hatching. Species identified by absence of Hyla chrysoscelis in the collection area, which is on the edge of the range of H. chrysoscelis.
Tadpole 25 days post hatching. Species identified by absence of Hyla chrysoscelis in the collection area, which is on the edge of the range of H. chrysoscelis.
Female Hyla versicolor collected crossing country road in southern Nacogdoches County, Texas, USA, on the way to breeding pond. H. chrysoscelis absent in the collection area, which is on the very edge of the range of that species. Two nearby breeding ponds had abundant H. versicolor and zero H. chrysoscelis.
Hyla versicolor raised from eggs - froglet showing tail remnant in black. Froglet from eggs laid on May 2nd 2009 (time to complete metamorphosis: 36 days). Species identified by range and call of local animals.