Elephant shrews, or jumpin shrews, are smaa insectivorous mammals native tae Africae, belangin tae the faimily Macroscelididae, in the order Macroscelidea, whose tradeetional common Inglis name comes frae a fancied resemblance atween thair lang noses an the trunk o an elephant, an an assumed relationship wi the shrews (faimily Soricidae) in the order Insectivora.
Elephant shrews, or jumpin shrews, are smaa insectivorous mammals native tae Africae, belangin tae the faimily Macroscelididae, in the order Macroscelidea, whose tradeetional common Inglis name comes frae a fancied resemblance atween thair lang noses an the trunk o an elephant, an an assumed relationship wi the shrews (faimily Soricidae) in the order Insectivora.