Boa Esmeralda, the Emerald Tree Boa hunts mainly in the forests of the western Amazon. This one is in the Denver Zoo. In context at
The Yellow Boa or Boa Coridyu is native to swamps, mainly from southern Brazil to northern Argentina. Buenos Aires Zoo. In context at
It hisses and bites, but no venom. Known as the Short-tailed Boa or as Boa de Amaral this species is native from Bolivia and southern Brazil to northern Argentina. Serpentario Armero, amazonian Colombia. In context at
This is the 'official' Boa Constrictor, native to Northern South America. Also known as the Colombian Red-tail Boa. Buenos Aires Zoo. In context at
Named "Celine" before we learned "she" was a "he". Six foot red-tailed Boa (B. constrictor constrictor). Still haven't figured out how he turned on the TV with the remote and changed channels to "Animal Planet".
The famous Green Anaconda is the world's heaviest snake and the second longest. It is found in swamps and wetlands of the Amazon Basin. Serpentario Armero, Leticia, Colombia. In context at
The Rainbow Boa or Boa Arcoiris is found from southeastern Bolivia to northern Argentina, preferring more open areas. Serpentario de Mendoza, Argentina.