Patrick Point State Park, Trinidad, California
Tidepools, coastal La Jolla, California.
Tidepool near La Jolla, California.
Cerbère Pyrénées-Orientales France
Cerbère Pyrénées-Orientales France
Oceanário de Lisboa
Haus des Meeres, Vienna / Austria
Sødringholm, Randers Fjord
Kattegatcentret, Grenå. Aquarium
Limfjorden Ertebølle
Kattegatcentret Grenå
Edwardsia elegans.
Anemonia sargassensis.
1. Tealia Crassicornis, 2. 3. Bunodes Cemmacea, 4. S. Ballii; 5. 6. S. Thallia.
1. Sagartia Nivea, 2. 3. 4. S. Miniata,; 5. S. Troglodytes, 6. S. Parasitica, 7. S. Icthystoma .8. 9. S. Ornata.
Sagartia luciae. Oral view.
1. 2. Sagartia Troglodytes, 3. S. Viduata, 4. 5. S. Pallida, 6. S. Pura, 7. 8. Adamsia Palliata.
1. Hormathia Margarita, 2. Phellia Brodricii, 3. Peachia Hasata, 4. P. Undata, 5 Stomphia Churchiae, 6. Ilyanthus Mitchellii.
Ricardo González-Muñoz, Nuno Simões, José Luis Tello-Musi, Estefanía Rodríguez
Figure 3.Anemonia sargassensis. A Live specimen in natural habitat B Oral view C Pedal disc view D Cross section through distal column showing mesenteries; arrows indicate siphonoglyphs E Detail of cross section through distal column showing a siphonoglyph F Detail of retractor and parietobasilar muscles G Longitudinal section through margin showing acrorhagi and marginal sphincter muscle H Longitudinal section through base showing basilar muscles I Cross section through tentacle J–U Cnidae.– acrorhagi: J small basitrich K basitrich L holotrich; actinopharynx: M small basitrich N microbasic p-mastigophore; column: O basitrich; filaments: P basitrich Q microbasic b-mastigophore R microbasic p-mastigophore; tentacle: S small basitrich T basitrich U spirocyst. Abbreviations.– acr: acrorhagi, bm: basilar muscle, e: epidermis, fo: fosse, g: gastrodermis, la: larvae, lm: longitudinal muscle, m: mesoglea, mp: marginal projection, od: oral disc, pd: pedal disc, pm: parietobasilar muscle, rm: retractor muscle, s: siphonoglyph, sp: sphincter, t: tentacle. Scale bars: A–C: 10 mm; D–I: 200 μm; J–U: 25 μm.
Andrea L. Crowther, Daphne G. Fautin, Carden C. Wallace
Figure 1.Stylobates birtlesi sp. n. holotype MTQ G57579 a, b soon after collection (photo: RA Birtles) c, d preserved specimen with Sympagurus trispinosus showing position of oral disc of anemone e preserved specimen: shortest tentacles beside longest ones (on right side of oral disc in this view); tentacles grade in length between longest and shortest around other side of oral disc (dashed line indicates directive axis) f preserved specimen without hermit crab showing aperture and part of carcinoecium not covered by anemone (arrow). Scale bars 20 mm.
Tidepools, coastal La Jolla, California.
Cerbère Pyrénées-Orientales France