Democrinus brevisDemocrinus brevis, collected off Key Briscayne (Centroid Latitude: 25.51667, Centroid Longitude: -79.95000), East of the Straits of Florida, Florida, U.S.A., North Atlantic Ocean, by the R. V. Gerda, from a depth of 351m.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Hypalometra defectaHypalometra defecta, collected northeast of San Blas Point (Centroid Latitude: 9.62500, Centroid Longitude: -78.85833), Panama, Caribbean Sea, by the R. V. Pillsbury, from a depth range of 110 to 119 m.
Feather-star (Antedon), illustrating the Comatala form of crinoid.