Mid-distal arm.
Centrodorsal, cirri, and base of rays.
Centrodorsal, cirri, basal rays, 2nd specimen.
Side of base of ray.
Middle and distal portion of cirrus.
Side of arm bases showing proximal pinnule bases P1 to P4 (possibly Pa to Pd).
Side of detached base of arm showing proximal pinnules P1, P2, P3, P4.
Centrodorsal and ray bases.
Bases of cirri and rays.
Bases of cirri and rays.
Division series.
Distal arm.
Proximal arm and pinnules (P1, P2)
Arm base side view showing P1 - P4.
Distal arm.
Complete aboral view.
Adoral disk surface.
Cirrus tip.
Middle arm aboral view.
Middle arm side view.
Proximal pinnules on arm.
Arm showing third pinnule (P3).
Image provided by ReefLifeApps (http://reeflifeapps.com) Please inform the author before republishing. Possibly a species of Heterometra, but there are over 20 accepted species in the genus, and it cannot be identified from the image. It is more likely a species of Liparometra or possibly Stephanometra