Description: Volvariella gloiocephala à l'état jeune et adulte/at young and mature state - Havré (Belgique/Belgium), forêt de feuillus - clairière (sur sciure d'arbres tronçonnés)./ leafy forest - glade (on sawdust of cut up trees). Date: 14 October 2005. Source: Self-photographed. Author: Jean-Pol GRANDMONT. Permission(Reusing this file): : This illustration was made by Jean-Pol GRANDMONT Please credit this : Jean-Pol GRANDMONT An email to Jean-Pol GRANDMONT would be appreciated..
Description: Español: Fructificación de Volvopluteus gloiocephalus, hongo comestible, aunque de baja calidad, que se puede encontrar muy frecuentemente en otoño. Date: 5 December 2019, 16:59:01. Source: Own work. Author: JaigoL.
Description: English: Volvopluteus gloiocephalus in a park near Champlan, France. Date: 21 September 2015. Source: Own work. Author: Strobilomyces. Camera location48° 43′ 00″ N, 2° 16′ 30″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 48.716667; 2.275000.