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Coprosma fatuhivaensis W. L. Wagner & Lorence


provided by Phytokeys (archived)
Treeca. 7 m tall; young stems short-pilose.Leavesopposite, thinly coriaceous, blades 5.3–6.7 × 0.9–1.8 cm, narrowly elliptic, pinnately veined with 8–9 pairs of secondary veins, higher level venation conspicuously reticulate, both surfaces glabrous, domatia minute, usually subcircular, located along midrib near juncture of secondary veins, apex acute, base attenuate; petioles 0.7–1.1 cm long; stipules ca. 2–2.5 mm long, connate 4/5 of length, both surfaces glabrate, margins weakly ciliate and dentate with a larger and sometimes also a few small colleters, the colleters often with a small tufts of a few hairs.Inflorescencesaxillary, subsessile, with 3 flowers, these 5–6-merous.Flowers:male flowers unknown; female flowers with peduncles to 4.2 mm long, calyx short-tubular, ca. 0.5–0.6 mm long, the tube ca. 0.1–0.2 mm long, the lobes triangular, 0.3–0.4 mm long, corolla narrowly funnelform, the tube 2 mm long, the lobes 1.2–1.3 mm long.Fruit and pyrenesunknown.
Warren L. Wagner, David H. Lorence
bibliographic citation
Wagner W, Lorence D (2011) Revision of Coprosma (Rubiaceae, tribe Anthospermeae) in the Marquesas Islands PhytoKeys 4: 109–124
Warren L. Wagner
David H. Lorence
partner site
Phytokeys (archived)


provided by Phytokeys (archived)
This new species is known only from a single collection at the type locality in the southern summit region at 870 m on Fatu Hiva, Marquesas Islands.
Warren L. Wagner, David H. Lorence
bibliographic citation
Wagner W, Lorence D (2011) Revision of Coprosma (Rubiaceae, tribe Anthospermeae) in the Marquesas Islands PhytoKeys 4: 109–124
Warren L. Wagner
David H. Lorence
partner site
Phytokeys (archived)